Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Birds - Sunday October 17th, People's Co-Op

  The Birds (1963) is a Hollywood classic.  With its sparse soundtrack, disturbing scenes, and chilling scenario (birds banding together to attack humans!?) Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece is a perfect movie for our October Big Picture gathering.  We will be meeting at People's Co-Op at 6 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.  There is no cost and it is open to all.  We encourage you to bring snacks and drinks - and there is plenty of great food and drinks available at People's.

For a brief intro from Hitch himself, click here.

If you have any questions, contact Pat at

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

12 Monkeys - Sept. 19th, People's Co-Op Community Room, 6 p.m.

Viral apocalypse? Check. Time travel?  Got it. And Brad Pitt in an Academy-Award nominated performance? What more could you want!?  Sunday Sept. 19th we will be gathering together at People's Co-Op to watch and discuss Terry Gilliam's 1995 film 12 Monkeys.  We will be meeting in the upstairs community room, and the film will start at 6 p.m.  After viewing the movie, we will take a little time to discuss together what we watched.  It will be fun and engaging - so come!

Everyone is welcome.  There is no cost and it is open to all.  We encourage you to bring snacks and drinks - there is plenty of great food and drinks available at People's. NOTE: People's will not allow us to drink alcohol in the community room.

For a preview of 12 Monkeys click here.

If you have questions, contact Pat at